Isabel is a confident and accomplished auctioneer with 14 years rostrum experience. In that time she has sold everything from jewellery and antiques, to cars and houses.
It is this experience that enables Isabel to be able to read the bidders in the room and online, and to know when to push them to their final bid.
Isabel is regularly involved in charity auctions, bringing enthusiasm and fun to any event.
Please get in touch to find out about hiring Isabel as a guest auctioneer. She is available on a regular, or ad-hoc basis for:
Antiques and jewellery auctions
Charity auctions
Property auctions
Isabel is adaptable to your needs and highly professional.
‘From stepping onto the rostrum and wielding the gavel for the first time in 2010, I never lose that sense of excitement.
You never know which pieces are going to catch the bidder's eye and absolutely fly out of the saleroom’
_ Isabel